sklenené priečky
Posts with labelSklenené priečky sú nadčasový prvok dizajnu, ktorý v sebe spája minimalizmus, funkcionalitu a eleganciu. Stáva sa neodmysliteľnou súčasťou modernej architektúry. Dávajú priestoru tvar.
Glass in architecture
Renovated restaurant interior: 4 craft bistros in industrial style
Inšpirujte sa, ako môže industriálny štýl transformovať interiér reštaurácie. Spoznajte tajomstvo 4 ...
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How to partition space functionally and flexibly
Hľadáte spôsoby, ako efektívne a vkusne predeliť svoj priestor? Ako vytvoriť funkčné zóny, ktoré sa ...
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Glass walls through FAQ
Oslovili vás sklenené steny? Pripravili sme kompletného sprievodcu. Pozrite sa na interiérové sklene...
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Revolution for modern offices that will increase the efficiency of collaboration
Je pre vás dôležitý pracovný výkon a efektivita práce v kancelárii? Prečítajte si, ako správne inter...
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Brick wall and industrial partition is magnet for glances
Sklenená priečka môže zohrávať kľúčovú úlohu aj u vás. Môže byť magnetom na pohľady aj v obývacej mi...
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Uniqueness and industrial style of the rooms with high ceilings
Interiéry s vysokými stropmi sú skôr ojedinelé. Ponúkajú veľkorysý priestor a pôsobia veľkolepo. V s...
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Why we love industrial style
Industrial style is gaining in popularity. He has enchanted us and we share our enthusiasm through i...
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4 reasons to choose glass partitions
Are you looking for inspiration for the reconstruction of your current premises? Are you planning to...
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Glass partitions of an office in a loft
In the large two-storey room, which previously served as a gym for primary school children, there is...
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How much does glass partitions cost?
One of the most common questions we get is how much does that glass wall cost? Therefore, we have de...
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Interior stair railings in Topoľčianky
Im modernen neu gebauten Einfamilienhaus in Topoľčianky wurde uns die Aufgabe gestellt, eine ästheti...
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Levice Law Office with intelligent glass
In the administrative space of the law office in Levice, we created a space with a glass wall that o...
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Glass partition as a solution for open spaces
Following the example of advanced foreign companies, more and more Slovak companies are looking afte...
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Glass partitions divide and connect at the same time
Task of the partitions in the interior is to divide the space into smaller parts. Even though it sou...
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What glass on glass partition?
Glass partions will elegantly illuminate and optically enlarge small rooms. By using glass as partit...
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