Glass showcases
Glass showcases design so as to excel what is inside . With its strength, safety glass forms the basis of the display case construction. It filters most of the UV radiation and thus protects the objects placed inside. The all-glass walls of the display case also fulfill a protective function against possible color fading in objects, which they are permanently exposed to direct sunlight.

Glass showcases design so as to excel what is inside . With its strength, safety glass forms the basis of the display case construction. It filters most of the UV radiation and thus protects the objects placed inside. The all-glass walls of the display case also fulfill a protective function against possible color fading in objects, which they are permanently exposed to direct sunlight.

Glass showcase for the protection of valuables
Glass showcases represent a suitable solution for buildings where objects of high material, utility, historical and cultural value are located and exhibited. They are also suitable for places that are under centralized or internal physical protection, unless the installation of bulletproof glass is explicitly required.
In the form of screens and all-glass showcases, the individual exhibits in the sales areas of jewelery shops, arms stores, pharmacies, museums, archives and museum depositories protect. Self-supporting all-glass display cases are ideal for displaying smaller advertising items.

Design solutions of glass showcases
The showcases are placed on an additional supporting structure, on a concrete base or on another solid base. It is lined with transparent glass on all sides to make its contents stand out. Free space placement is not a problem either. Glass showcases are resistant to weather conditions, so they are also suitable for outdoor use.
Mobile glass showcases
We adapt the design and production of glass showcases to the individual needs and requirements of the customer. An alternative is mobile glass showcases, which can be used to display advertising items of even larger dimensions. A good example is a mobile car garage.
Discover the beauty of contrasts by combining glass, light and space. By installing lighting, you will ensure better visibility of exhibited objects even at night and in bad weather. Especially in winter, it is appropriate to use the interior heating of the structure. You can also increase the protection of the contents in the glass boxes by installing an alarm.

Glass showcases created
- museums and archives
- business operations
- luxury goods and valuables stores
- exhibitions of historical objects
Safety glass is the basis
We choose the thickness and type of glass according to the location or rarity of the exhibits. We normally use tempered safety glass or laminated safety glass ESG / VSG. We glue or join the glasses to the glass with suitable fittings. From the point of view of color, we prefer external clear glass.
To eliminate disturbing reflections , a special anti-reflective glass is also used, in which you will not see disturbing reflections of the surrounding environment. In case of specific requirements, we can also use colored or decorated glass.
In the first place, however, we pay particular attention to the safety of the exhibited objects. A good example is the humidor, which provides an ideal indoor environment at all times and thus protects valuable artefacts from deterioration.

typ skla: | kalené bezpečnostné sklo ESG, vrstvené bezpečnostné sklo ESG/VSG |
hrúbka: | 8, 10, 12 mm |
farebnosť skla: | číre sklo, extra číre sklo |
spôsoby dekorovania: | vzorové pieskovanie, digitálna potlač, farebné filtre v medzivrstve, lakovanie podľa RAL v medzivrstve |
hrany: | leštené |
povrchová úprava: | nerez, imitácia nereze, eloxovaný hliník, farebná škála RAL – práškovaný hliník |